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Other Estate And Probate Matters

Present Strategies For A Secure Future

Wills and trusts are important aspects of estate planning and vital in providing you and your family peace of mind. At my law office, Estes Law Firm, PLLC, I understand that additional needs may exist based on your specific circumstances. I will spend the time with you to effectively address concerns and move forward with customized strategies.

Customized Estate Planning For Arizona Residents

I am Elizabeth Estes, a lawyer dedicated to helping Ahwatukee and Phoenix-area residents. I provide more than legal counsel. I will help you gain the knowledge you need to make important decisions for you, for your family and for others in your care.  

Additional areas of my estate and probate law practice include:

  • Guardianships: Minor children dependent on their mothers and fathers will have continuing needs after the loss of their parents.  Incapacitated adults over the age of 18 also require continuing care. Unless the necessary legal documents have already been prepared, the court will need to appoint a guardian to make decisions for these minor children and incapacitated adults. Significant authority comes with guardianships, most importantly the responsibility for living arrangements, medical treatment and education.

  • Conservatorships: Appointed to control assets, a conservator (a designated fiduciary or agent) oversees the estate of a minor child or an incapacitated adult. This appointment is made by the court.  In addition to the duties owed to the minor child or incapacitated adult, conservators have a continuing duty to report to the court.  

An Attorney With An Unwavering Commitment To Resolving Your Issues

Do not delay seeking assistance with your unique issues. Contact Estes Law Firm, PLLC, at 480-656-3733 or fill out my online contact form.

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